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MassMailer WorkFlow for SendGrid - Bronze Plan

MassMailer WorkFlow for SendGrid - Bronze Plan
1 Comment

Sendgrid does not provide Email Notifications* for Bronze plan. But in MassMailer app, we have customized the Statistics for Campaign and Mass Email Wizard in such a way that:
[* - Email notification notifies the user about the status of the sent emails. For e.g., Delivered, Bounce, Open, Clicks etc.]

A. User will see a section naming MassMailer Email Statistics under Campaign detail page which includes: 

1.Total Requests.
2.Total Opens.
3.Total Delivered.
4.Total Clicks.
5.Total Spam Reports.
6.Total Unsubscribes.
7.Total Invalid Emails.
8.Total Unique Opens.
9.Total Unique Clicks.
10.Total Repeat Unsubscribes.
11.Total Blocks.
12.Total Bounces.
13.Total Repeat Spam Reports.
14.Total Spam Drops.
15.Total Repeat Bounces.

B: In Mass Email Wizard, user will have Mass Email Statistics Tab which will provide the following statistics for a particular Mass Email Job: 

1.Total Requests.
2.Total Opens.
3.Total Delivered.
4.Total Clicks.
5.Total Spam Reports.
6.Total Unsubscribes.
7.Total Invalid Emails.
8.Total Unique Opens.
9.Total Unique Clicks.
10.Total Repeat Unsubscribes.
11.Total Blocks.
12.Total Bounces.
13.Total Repeat Spam Reports.
14.Total Spam Drops.
15.Total Repeat Bounces.


A scheduler runs on daily basis which will check a check box naming Invalid Email on Lead and Contact Objects for Invalid, Bounce and Spam emails and for Unsubscribe emails - Email Opt Out and Invalid Email check boxes will be checked for Lead and Contact Objects.

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